The Mississippi Valley Workforce Development Board

is a workforce development board and non-profit organization overseeing the workforce services in the eight counties of Jackson, Clinton, Scott, Muscatine, Henry, Louisa, Des Moines, and Lee in Iowa called the Mississippi Valley Workforce Development Area (MVWA).

Our customers include job seekers and employers who access services provided by a network of partners through One-Stop Centers located in Davenport and Burlington and other affiliate sites across our Local Area. Our work is funded through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and other grant opportunities.

The Chief Elected Officials (CEOs) and Workforce Development Board provide visionary leadership and oversight to workforce development services in Iowa MVWA. CEO members are elected officials from the eight-county service area, while LWDB members are leaders from business, labor, economic development, government, the public sector, and education.

 Mission, Vision and Goals


VISION - Create strong local economies by developing a future ready workforce of skilled workers prepared to meet the needs of current and emerging industries.

MISSION - The Mississippi Valley Workforce Development Board will achieve our vision through strengthening collaboration with local businesses and jobseekers. We will improve access to our dedicated workforce partners through a fully integrated one-stop delivery system. Decisions will be data driven to enhance our local economies and quality of life for our communities.

Strategic Goals

Create a unified, accessible, and customer-centered workforce system that maximizes resources and outcomes through strong collaboration and streamlined processes. This results in a system where partners can represent each other’s programs, utilizing a customer-centered, one-knock approach.

Enhance the accessibility, visibility, and personalized connection of IowaWORKS services in rural communities by showcasing success stories, tailoring outreach, and promoting and delivering impactful services to meet the needs of diverse populations.

Amplify our impact and commitment by significantly elevating the availability and quality of our youth services, while positively increasing the quality of youth for employment.

Enhance the goals of Business Services by promoting increased integration, elevating the quality of services delivered, and mitigating employer fatigue to ensure sustained and effective support for businesses in our workforce ecosystem.

Implement collaborative strategies that elevate the standard of job quality within the MVWA by implementing strategic initiatives that enhance satisfaction and productivity for both employers and employees.

Enhance the local workforce development board's impact on the workforce system by strategically optimizing its role and fostering active engagement to effectively meet the evolving needs of our communities.

Leverage nonprofit status to diversify funding streams, strengthen financial sustainability, and expand reach and impact to amplify and scale resources and assistance for workforce services while simultaneously streamlining administrative processes.