On behalf of Central Iowa Local Workforce Development Board (CILWDB)  - One Stop Operator

As the contracted entity to lead this procurement process, MVWDB serves as a separate and independent outside entity to conduct the competition for this contract. MVWDB will review all submitted proposals and evaluate them on a scale coordinated and agreed upon by CILWDB . Based on its evaluation, MVWDB will submit its selection, along with a description of the selection process and scoring justification, to CILWDB for approval.

Request for Proposal

RFP WIOA Outreach and Recruitment Campaign

Notice of Intent to Award

Click here for the Full Notice

WIOA One-Stop Operator RFP

The Mississippi Valley Workforce Development Board is now accepting proposals for a WIOA one-stop operator. The RFP opened on July 7th, 2021, and will close at 4:00 p.m. on August 4th, 2021. All eligible organizations are encouraged to apply.  The full Request for Proposals (RFP) can be downloaded below. Please check back regularly for any announcements related to this RFP.

MVWA WIOA One-Stop Operator RFP

MVWA One-Stop Operator RFP Questions and Answers - July 14th, 2021

2021 Proposal Requests